About us
Breeder listings
 Breeder Competition

The American Koi Breeders Association is an American trade association of professional koi breeders.

The purpose of this association is to promote the development of high quality koi production in America.

United as a group, American koi breeders can benefit from:

Greater purchasing power for koi farming materials ranging from food to chemicals

Advertising in national publications to promote American bred koi

Recognition of American bred koi winning at show competitions

Website to promote American bred koi and the Breeders producing them.

Newsletter to disseminate information to keep members in touch and up to date with the latest developments concerning koi production in America with free classified ads for members

Listings of member farms and their products to promote trade and networking of American koi farms

Collective voice concerning government regulation for this specialized class of aquaculture

Support research and development for high quality koi production

In order for American bred koi to gain some respect among koi collectors and the show circuit there must be a collective collaborative effort. The word "Domestic" currently carries a bad connotation as locally bred koi of inferior color and size. This connotation can be overcome but only if we produce better koi and also promote that better product to create the demand for higher quality American bred koi.

Get in now as a founding member and help shape a great future for the best quality koi that science, art, and good old American spirit can produce. After this initial founding membership drive we will organize directives and vote for officers.

Please fill out the attached application form.

email: bob@koibreeders.org